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قديم  أرسلت بتاريخ : 07\02\2013
عضو نشيط
تـآريخ إنضمــآمي : 23/07/2012
مُشـآركـآتي : 19058
السٌّمعَة : 28
افتراضي  Devoir de Bac Blanc(Anglais)

Durée : 2h

Coefficient :1

1.If Caesar Barber dreamed of winning fame, he probably didn't think it would be due to his obesity. But, since the 120kg maintenance worker filed a lawsuit against McDonald's, Wendy's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King last month - seeking damages for selling him food that made him obese - Barber's 15 minutes of fame are proving as painful as the two heart attacks he has already had. "Does anyone really believe that Mr Barber was too dumb to know that eating saturated fat was less healthy than having, say, a fruit dish or a chef salad?" said Steve Dasbach, who is the executive director of the Libertarian party.

2.Barber says that he was in the dark about the nutritional ************** of the fast food he was eating up to five times a week **** the50s onwards. Incredibly, he didn't stop gobbling burgers and salty fries after he had his first heart attack in 1996. He is now a diabetic with high blood pressure.

3.In his lawsuit - the first of its kind in the United States - he contends that deceptive advertising misled him about the nutritional value of the food, until a doctor pointed itout. "Those people in the advertisements don't tell you what's in the food," he says. "Now I'm obese. The fast-food industry has ruined my life. They said 100% beef. I thought that meant it was good for you." Attacks on Barber’s character and perceived IQ became a sport in the US media. Barber wasn't stupid, columnists and radio hosts joked, just out to make money by failing to take responsibility for his diet. More than 75 million Americans eat fast food every day. But who, the journalists asked, doesn't know that too much will make you overweight? "Mr Barber honestly didn't know what the dangers were when he started eating fast food in the 50s," says his lawyer, Samuel Hirsch. "The fast-food chains made no effort then, and little today, to inform consumers about the dangerously high fat, cholesterol or salt ************** of theirfood." Hirsch says that his client, who has now gone into hiding, is not trying to make money but to get the chains to inform customers that their food is guilty of making them overweight. However, not everyone in the US thinks Barber's case is a joke. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine applauded the lawsuit.

4.The committee's research coordinator, Brie Turner-Mc Grivey, says that whether Barber wins or loses, the hype surrounding the case has been good for doctors, spotlighting America's obesity epidemic and the role that fast food plays in it.
By Sharon KrumThe Guardian Sep. 12, 2002

Signature des Surveillants


A. Tick (3) the right option that could be the main idea of the ********. ( 1 Mark )

1- A man complains about his several health problems.

2- A man claims he was misinformed over risks of fast food meals.

3- A man pretends he can not give up fast food meals.

B. Tick (3) the option that best explains the following phrases. ( 2 Marks )

1- “seeking damages for selling him food that made him obese.” (par. 1)

- feeling pity for being sold fattening food.

- looking for other ways to eat without getting obese.

- trying to get money for becoming fat due to bad food

2- “Barber says he was in the dark about the nutritional ************** of the fast food” (par. 2)

- he became blind due to fast food

- fast food made his face darker

- he didn’t know about the fast food

C. Complete the chart with information about Caesar Barber **** the ********. ( 3 Marks )

Job :
Weight :
Health Problems :

D. For each of the following statements, pick out one sentence showing that it is FALSE. (2 Marks)

1. Just after his first heart attack, he gave up fast food meals.


2. Only a few people heard about Caesar Barber’s story.


E. What do these words refer to? ( 3 Marks )

1- "it" (par. 3) refers to :

2- “their” (par. 3) refers to :

3- “it” (par. 4) refers to :

F. Give a personal justified answer. ( 1 Mark )

Who do you think is to blame: the fast food chain or Caesar Barber himself for his health problem? Why?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

II) Languag.e ( 6 MARKS)

  • Fill in the blanks with 6 words **** the box. ( 3 marks )

doctors / respond / spans /earlier / many / hamper / especially/ through

Parents have been told that it's their responsibility to prepare children for a multitasking, technology-driven future. Believing that starting …………………………..is starting better, they invest in special keyboards designed to withstand tiny fists, and they stick children who aren't even forming sentences yet in front of computer screens. The idea: Buy the computer and the software, and the brain will grow. Without an early start, parents fear, their kids will fall so far behind that they'll never catch up. However, a growing number of educators, child development experts, and ………………….are speaking out against early computer use, ...............................when coupled with regular TV watching. Too much screen time at a young age, they say, may actually ……………………………..the development of the critical skills that kids need to become successful. In the early years, children begin to learn many of the skills that will help them …………………............. the rest of their lives. They learn to find solutions and to …………………………..to failure by trying again. It is the real-life lessons that teach a child how the world and his ******** work. Pushing a computer key to make an animated monkey dance does not have the same effect.

2: Choose the right option. ( 3 Marks )

Men suffer **** Compulsive shopping, too. A recent survey ( has found / found / has finded )that one in 20 American adults buy things they may not even need or are simply ( useless / useful / usable ).In today’s world of consumerism, ***** we are constantly bombarded by ads, this is perhaps not surprising. What may raisean eyebrow or two is a further finding in the study that men are just as ( unlike / likely / like ) as women to suffer **** “compulsive buying”. Gone seem to be the days when women dragged their bored and ( looking-fed-up / fed-up-looking / up-looking-fed )men around shopping malls. The new research which ( has just been revealed / has been just revealed / just has been revealed )**** Stanford University has revealed that men are now just as avid and compulsive ( shoppers / shopping / shops )as their female counterparts. Researcher Dr Lorrin Koram said that the numbers of men who indulge in unnecessary shopping sprees has rocketed: "That's the biggest surprise -- men engage in this behavior almost as commonly as women," he said.



GUIDED WRITING : Unscramble the underlined sentences to obtain a coherent

and meaningful passage. (4 Marks

Being obese increases the risk of dying just as much as smoking, research suggests. A being found that non-smoker an study obese……………………………………………………………………………….. is the **********alent of some******** of a healthy weight smoking than 10day cigarettes a more………………………………………………………………... Experts looked at weight and smoking status of 46,000 young men 18-year-old almost……………………………………………………………….and followed them up for 38 years. They found that being obese or smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day of risk prematurely the doubled dying.……………………………………………………………….... Being both obese and a heavy smoker increased the risks but other combinations of weight and smoking did not appear to have that effect

2) FREE WRITING:One of your friends at school is a heavy smoker. You know that he is putting his health at risk. You write him an email in the form of a letter to give him some tips about quitting this filthy and costly habit. Try to warn him about the dramatic implications of his addiction. ( not more than 12 lines ) ( 8 Marks )



I)Reading Comprehension

A – 2. A man claims he was misinformed over risks of fast food meals.

B – 1: trying to get money for becoming fat due to bad food.

2: he didn’t know about the fast food

C - maintenance worker / 120 kg / diabetes – blood pressure – heart attacks – obesity

D- 1: he didn't stop gobbling burgers and salty fries after he had his first attack.

2: attacks on Barber's character and perceived IQ became a sport in US media.

E- 1: the nutritional value of food

2: the fast food chains

3: America's obesity epidemic

F - Any plausible answer.


1. earlier / doctors / especially / hamper / through / respond

2. has found / useless / likely / fed-up-looking / has just been revealed / shoppers


Guided Writing :

1. A study found that an obese non-smoker

2. smoking 10 cigarettes a day.

3. almost 46.000 18-year-old young men.

4. doubled the risk of dying prematurely

Free Writing Sample (after correction)


Thanks so much for your letter. You know I am always here for you. Here are a few things to help you quit smoking.

Out of every hundred of us who manage to puff our way through twenty cigarettes a day, over a quarter of us will die early because we have chosen to smoke cigarettes. Of course, we all have lots of reasons why we smoke: it's part of my scene; it's makes me feel cool; it keeps my weight down... Blah, blah, blah... Now look, we know it's bad for us. Not just bad - it's eventually truly awful. So, let's look at some ways we can cut down or stop smoking. First of all, I think you ‘d better change your eating and drinking habits. Have you tried to stop eating spicy and fast food? Why don't you give up coffee? You know that these things enhance smoking. Another good idea is to start practicing a physical activity. My last advice to you is to be determined to quit this bad habit. Think about how much money you can save. Imagine the many diseases you can prevent. Think of your future your wife and children, will they deserve what you will certainly put them through.

I hope my advice can help. Let me know of your news.

I really care for you

Karim / Karima

 مواضيع ذات صلة بـ هذا الموضوع  Devoir de Bac Blanc(Anglais) Collap16 
مواضيع ذات صلة

قديم 12/3/2013, 01:06
عضو نشيط
تـآريخ إنضمــآمي : 21/07/2012
مُشـآركـآتي : 1656
السٌّمعَة : 39
افتراضي _da3m_2

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 تذكر قوله تعالى :َ ما يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ  Devoir de Bac Blanc(Anglais) Collap17 

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